Sponsorship Packages
We encourage sponsorship from businesses to support this event, which is proving most popular, and in return we endeavour to provide valuable recognition by providing advertising opportunities and publicity in various formats whenever possible.
Not only will your contribution benefit local good causes, we also encourage businesses to promote the event to their staff in an effort to get teams together and then raise further monies for the company’s chosen charity or any charity of their choice. This in turn encourages wellbeing with staff, engagement and improvement upon corporate social responsibility.
I would hope therefore that you would be willing to support the event with perhaps a monetary donation or benefit in kind if appropriate.

Should you be so kind as to sponsor the event, we will offer the following wherever practical:
Do support the event as soon as possible – the sooner you commit your contribution, the more time we have to promote your company prior to the event.

Any donations should be made payable to ‘Folkestone Coastal 10K’ and sent to the attention of:
Ray Johnson – Folkestone Coastal 10K, Church House 136 Sandgate Road Folkestone CT20 2BY.
We will produce an invoice on request and payment may be made at any time to suit your budget. I look forward to hearing from you in anticipation so that I may progress matters on your behalf.
I hope that you will find this of interest and if you would be so kind as to pledge your willingness to support the event, as always it would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to become a sponsor or if you have any questions please contact the Race Director, Ray Johnson.